Davidoff Signature 2000 Tub EUN 4’S
₹14,000.00Order Cigars@Home, Call or Whatsapp us at +91-7065002004 or you can fill up below enquiry form One of our bestselling cigars, the Davidoff Signature 2000 reveals clean, balanced flavors of wood, earth, with fresh floral scents and a creamy aftertaste. This timeless corona format, with a slightly wider gauge affords the aficionado a bolder experience featuring a higher percentage of piloto tobacco. Davidoff Signature cigars with their notes of coffee are exceptionally paired with an aromatic, milk coffee as well as an elegant champagne, or a lightly peated whiskey. [contact-form-7 id="6358" title="Davidoff Signature 2000 Tub EUN 4’S"]Davidoff Signature No 2 Tub EUN 4’S
₹18,800.00Order Cigars@Home, Call or Whatsapp us at +91-7065002004 or you can fill up below enquiry form The Davidoff Signature No. 2 is known to be the cigar of choice for our founders Zino Davidoff and Dr.Schneider. A timeless Panetela format, topped with an elegant "pigtail", this cigar exhibits well-balanced flavors of earth and wood, while emphasizing floral aromas leaving a particularly clean and creamy aftertaste Davidoff Signature cigars with their notes of coffee are exceptionally paired with an aromatic, milk coffee as well as an elegant champagne, or a lightly peated whiskey. [contact-form-7 id="6363" title="Davidoff Signature No 2 Tub EUN…